The Impact of Coronavirus on Machine Learning Conferences
The year 2020 brought a lot of changes in all our lives due to the Coronavirus pandemic, as all our routines got disrupted. From businesses to education to transportation, everything came to a halt. That was the reason that machine learning conference like ICML is happening virtually this year. This would further help curb unwanted travel reducing the chances for participants to acquire the virus. Running a virtual conference does have its challenges but with a little preparedness, one can be ready to tackle all the challenges. It can also be a great learning experience for everyone since it is happening virtually for the first time. Here are some of the Covid-19 observations that impact machine learning conferences: This virus is far more deadly than MERS or SARS and that is what makes it more unpredictable since it gets unnoticed among so many people. Some experience mild symptoms that often lead to late diagnosis. The virus can be prevented from further spreading by imposing trave...