Everything You Need To Know About The MERN Stack!


Web development is a vast field with an array of bifurcations from front end, back end, and full-stack development. The MERN stack is the most commonly used set of technologies for web development. It is shorthand for MongoDB, Express, React, and Node.js. They are JavaScript-based open-source components that provide an end to end framework for coders to work in. Because of the ease and benefits of its usage, more and more programmers are enrolling in Mern stack bootcamps to become successful web developers.

Let’s take a closer look at all the four components that make the Mern stack:


It is a document-based database that has the flexibility that a coder needs with indexing and querying. It helps store data in flexible, JSON-like documents in the form of tables and columns that can be further changed as per the requirements.

Why use it: MongoDB has a quick response and is highly scalable. It uses JavaScript which is a widely used and popular language; hence it increases ease of access. Since it uses JSON to articulate data, it makes retrieving data simpler.


It is a Node.js framework and is used to build robust web applications and API. Express helps simplify the task to write server code and unlike the Node.js HTTP module, you don’t need to repeat the same code again. It is known for its speed and minimalist structure.

Why use it: It is a single-threaded, functional, and fast framework that has the largest Node community. It promotes the reuse of code which makes development easier.


It was originally created by Facebook and was later open-sourced. React is used for creating views rendered in HTML. It is used to produce front end UI along with various useful objects like custom, reusable HTML interactions. This framework is faster than Angular which is why developers prefer using Mern stack for web development.

Why use it: It allows you to create a reusable component and high performing features. React uses JavaScript XML which makes it a convenient method for web applicants.


It is built on Chrome’s V8 engine and is usually used to build scalable applications. It has thousands of packages stores in a repository that are freely available to users.

Why use it: It is very scalable and follows an open-source run environment. Node.js is widely used for data streaming platforms like Netflix and hence has a huge demand in the market.

What are the benefits of Mern Stack?

There are many Mern Stack bootcamps in the USA that make you proficient in the language. But before you sign up, you should also have an understanding of all the benefits of adding this skill to your resume. The biggest advantage of using this stack is that all lines of code are written in a language that is worldwide accepted and popular which is JavaScript. Since you would be using the same language at all levels, the need to switch context is eliminated.

As a beginner, you are only required to have an understanding of JSON and JavaScript and you can conveniently begin your programming journey. In terms of job opportunities as well, it is undoubtedly a promising career.

Learn Mern stack development online

If you are looking to begin your web development career then signing for the best Mern stack bootcamp should be your first step. Companies use this stack to create premium quality web pages and with more and more businesses needing to create a webspace, the demand for full-stack developers is only going to ascend. SynergisticIT is one of the best places in the bay area to complete your training to get hired by Mern stack bootcamp companies. The experienced trainers ensure that you learn all the technologies related to this stack to become professionally competent. The curriculum is based on the best practices and the latest skills you need to become an efficient web developer. So sign up today and fulfill your career goals in just a few months.

Also, Read This Blog: Mean Stack Vs Mern Stack – What should you choose?








  1. Great Post. Very informative. Keep Sharing!!

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